©Moronic Ox Literary Journal - Escape Media Publishers / Open Books
Poets International:
Rhiannon Jenkins Tsang, Alicia Young & Christopher Barnes
Moronic Ox Literary and Cultural Journal - Escape Media Publishers / Open Books Advertise your book, CD, or cause in the 'Ox'
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"Oxford is a port"
Rhiannon Jenkins Tsang (UK)
Oxford is a port
and that year autumn tides washed up
you and me
onto saggy horsehair sofas of an Oxford common room
You looked at me with your craggy face and crooked smile
that swallows up your eyes
And I saw myself reflected as a man
Out to download the West
To take all
No time for prisoners along the way
We walked the rain glossed cobbles of Oxford dreams
until you grabbed me, and kissed me
under a halo of street light in North Parade
You were of mango and watermelon,
wooden moustached public school sweat,
one fan Bombay offices
musky monsoon rubbish, slipper sodden streets
Yet it was me you called exotic,
Lifting me with your thick thighs
Sucking as innocents sugar cane
Pink and white
Black and brown
But Oxford is a port
and now you are there
building glass castles in Arab sands
And I am here making plum crumble and blackberry jam
Clawing at space and time
With wicked electronic chat and evil Blackberry eyes
Whose red blip lights and curt clown faces
Mock the false embrace of our greying souls
Presents the Poetry of
Environmental Attorney
Keith Ainsworth
A book of environmental prose and poetry focusing our attention on the day's most critical environmental issues, addressing them in contemporary verse as well as poignant prose.
Life, death and the relationships we forge between: The Courage of Intimacy is a collection of modern poetry exploring the fundamental human need to connect with others.
Winner of the Melbourne Festival Poetry Competition, 2013
"An Individual Free-Born In The Collective"
Christopher Barnes (Scotland)
Black swans adrift
From the squinny that’s herded destiny.
She’s untwined group-think,
Is paintable self-novelty, experiment.
Social undertaking’s jiggle,
A chafing endeavour.
Her rebuttal of a rubberstamp
Undercurrents no anxiety.
In 1998 Christopher Barnes won a Northern Arts writers award. In July 200I he read at Waterstones bookshop to promote the anthology 'Titles Are Bitches'. Christmas 2001 he debuted at Newcastle's famous Morden Tower doing a reading of his poems.
2005 saw the publication of his collection LOVEBITES published by Chanticleer Press.
In Festival.
Author of the novel The woman Who Lost China, Rhiannon was born and educated in Yorkshire. She speaks French, German and Spanish, as well as Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese. She made her first trip to China, via Karachi and Islamabad, at the age of nineteen.
It is 1949 and the Chinese Republic is collapsing under Mao Tse Tung’s communist onslaught. Manying, distressed and frightened and unsure of the fate of her soldier husband, must flee Nanjing with her baby. Fate, however, has yet more in store for her. Love, war, sacrifice, corruption and revenge all play their part in this epic story that reaches its climax in twenty-first century Shanghai.
"bones and planes"
Alicia Young
fell down the staircase
amidst the unforgiving sobriety
6 am has to offer
when the world is the color of a bruise
now so am i
my brain is dizzy with pain
the blood blister on my middle finger
serves as a gentle reminder
life can always find
one more cataclysmic
fuck you
this day has a way of shoving
bones and planes
into places
it isn't supposed to
Alicia Young is a mortician by trade, so one might expect a darker side to her poetry, but Young's words come as comfort, suggesting dignity amidst destruction. Her poetry is steeped in references to ancestry, ageless wisdom, and the simple details that emerge from the exacting nature of death into a cool juxtaposition with the vibrant living universe.